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To make your experience even better, we’ve compiled some of our most frequently asked questions - and their answers - below. Take a look and get in touch if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
Do you offer service after hours?Yes! We offer service after hours at a rate of $150/hr for labor
What are your business hours?Our business hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
What payment methods do you accept?We accept CashApp & Venmo Card/Debit 6% processing fee PERSONAL CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED Business checks only
Is there a traveling fee?Yes, the traveling fee is $2.00 per mile
Do you offer same day service?We offer same day service for some jobs, depending on parts and availability.
Can I provide my own parts?Any parts provided by customers EXCLUDES any warranty provided by our company
Does my service come with a warranty?All services are backed by our 12month/12k warranty.
What areas do you serve?We serve Vallejo. Fairfield and surrounding areas
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